
Fiber to The X

FTTx (Fiber to the x) from Sigertel is a fiber optic-based network solution that provides fast, stable, and reliable internet connections to various segments, from homes to businesses. With the latest fiber optic technology, FTTx Sigertel ensures high performance for today's digital communication needs.



Dedicated connectivity designed to meet the needs of business, organization, and community networks with high levels of reliability and performance. This service offers point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint (P2MP) connections based on fiber optic technology, ensuring fast, stable, and secure communications.

(Integrated Utility Network Facilities)

Integrated network infrastructure designed to organize various utilities such as telecommunication cables, electrical cables, and other pipes in one organized system. This system aims to create a more orderly, safe, and efficient infrastructure network in urban areas or certain areas.


a video surveillance system that uses cameras to record, monitor, and supervise activities in a specific area. This technology is often used for security, surveillance, and recording activities as evidence in various sectors such as homes, businesses, and public facilities.

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Jl. Pramuka Darfa 3, Blok B, No. 9, Langkapura, Kota Bandar Lampung, 35154. Phone : +62 821-1111-5554

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